虎嗅编辑:相关讨论已经很多,本文的角度和观点都没有超出原有范围。 有论点,但有价值的内容过于单薄,核心观点不突出,说服力不强。 感谢投稿 前言:当下在国内,独立博客的位置越来越边缘化,是时候思考:独立博客的前世今生,独立博客存在的意义,以及对于我自己的独立博客的选择。
就在前几个礼拜,自己创建了自己的独立博客。一开始,自己想做的是写一些个人化的软件评测,因为在这方面自己比较熟悉。但是这两天,我一直在网上搜索和阅读一些有关独立博客的文章,觉得自己的独立博客需要经过重新的定位和思考,自己的独立博客缘何建立,意义何在。因此,自己去查阅了有关独立博客的发展和边缘化的一些问答和文章,得出的脉络基本上可以归结为几点: • 独立博客有一段时间做的很火,涌现了一大批知名的独立博主,不说说这些人不厉害不牛,相反他们都是新的互联网时代下的精英,有着自己独立的思想,怀抱着一股理想主义的情怀,想要在网络天地里有自己的一片耕地。 • 但是随着门户网站博客的兴起,QQ空间,人人日志,微博->长微博,微信公众号一步步的侵袭,独立博客的生存模式受到了很大的考验。独立博客相较于以上的那些网络平台来说,就相当于网络世界的一片孤岛,没有潜在的超大用户群,需要自己去推广。 • 到现在,很多知名的博主到现在的时候大部分已经成家立业,需要考虑很多实际的事情,独立博客走向商业运营比较困难。所以,曾经很多的知名博主都已经弃博而转战其他平台,大部分还活跃在知乎,微博和公众号。
有人说独立博客的时代已经过去,更有甚者说博客的时代早已过去:现在已经是新的互联网时代,提倡的是轻量级快餐式的消费。的确,现在做的最好确实是轻量级快餐式消费,但是任然有一些人依然坚守高质高量的生活和学习方式。从本质上讲,很多知名的独立博客(不管是已经弃博还是现在还在坚守的)(很大一部分是Geek圈)多多少少有着理想主义的色彩,在这个快消费的时代,是否还要坚守。独立博客,从一开始建立,就象征着互联网世界的一部分人开始独自站出来,发展自己的个人品牌,在这个世界发出自己的声音,因此,独立博客存在的意义从建立初期到现在一直都没有变过,甚至说更加鲜明了: • 独立博客,正所谓独立,是一个全部由自己控制的地方,不用顾忌管制。通过独立博客,培养自己的独立思考的精神,不盲目做互联网时代的大流附庸。很多博主提到,以前在XL,WY等一些门户网站下写博客的时候,虽然能有很大的用户群,但是话语的自由都受到了极大地管制,不得已只能放弃门户网站转战独立博客。 • 独立博客,为的是一种言论的自由。是一种精神,也是一种勇气,可以看做是新互联网时代率先站出来的一些人。曾经,由于早期的独立博客大多为圈内的Geek,所以触礁不多。但随着人人,微博,以及知乎的兴起,公众在互联网的发言门槛越来越低,触礁和限制也就开始越来越多。这个时候,有一些独立博客存在的意义就是从管制下跳出来了。看知乎的有一些博主,甚至于他们的博客都已经被墙了,但是他们却还坚持更新,我觉得这是一种很了不起的精神和勇气。 • 独立博客,从建立到有一定知名度,争夺的互联网时代的话语权。看很多博主,不管有没有继续坚守,有很大一部分收获就是有了一定的知名度,开始建立起自己的个人品牌。唐骏说,经营好自己的个人品牌。有了一定的话语权,就等于有了自己品牌,给博客给自己的定义,就是在话语权上贴上标签。现在的微博大V,知乎大V,以及知名的微信公众号,抢夺的也无非是这个互联网时代下的话语权。 • 独立博客,乃至于普通博客,只要能坚守和保证有规律高质量的博文更新,都能起到很大的学习促进作用。通过写博客,一方面是消耗自己过去的积累,另一方面就会在写作的过程中获得更多地问题和学习的方向。另外,在写博客的过程中,由于受众不是自己而是公众,就不能像写日记一样写,而是得要强迫自己有组织性,有针对性。 • 独立博客,由于潜在的受众小,出于本质上想要提高访问量的原因,整个互联网在一定程度上起到了筛选的作用。如果你的博文不够质量,自然而然就会被淘汰,而因此促使博主不断学习,提升质量。
对于我自己,从出于好玩而建立起自己的独立博客,到现在开始严肃的思考独立博客存在的特殊性和意义,需要对自己的独立博客进行重新定义。 • 不用于以前写日志,写日记,在自己的独立博客上发表一篇博文就相当于自己的一个思想成果,需要更加严肃的对待。 • 因为从一开始就没有打算走商业化经营的路线,所以不用有太多杂七杂八的干扰。自己做独立博客,要做的是发出自己的声音,即使只是互联网世界的一片孤岛,也还是有存在的意义。 • 要对自己的博客重新进行定位,要写的东西,和要继续学习的方向。所以在接下来的一段时间,博文德主题可能会比较杂,会进行在一步清晰的定位。
By. Zhuofan Tang
The Last Place Where Preserves the Freedom of Speech
Nowadays in mainland China, personal blog with its own domain is becoming less and less important. It is time to think about why personal blogs exist and whether I should keep on writing blogs or not.
Just a few weeks ago, I established my own blog in my own domain. At first, I just want to write some App reports based on my personal using experience as I am familiar with this field. However, after I read some articles about the past and present situation of personal blogs, I think that I have to reconsider my purpose of doing my personal blog. Thus, I did some research and the development of personal blogs could be summarized into the following points: • At a certain point, personal blogs thrived and a bunch of influential bloggers appeared. They were the elite of newly thriving Chinese Internet world. They had their independent thought of the country, of their field and of the world. They were somewhat idealists. • However, after portal websites like QQzone, Renren blog, microblog and then Weixin official account (these are all popular communication tools on the Internet). Comparing to these newly thriving communication tools, personal blogs are just like lonely islands on the Internet world. They don’t have large quantity of users and they have to advertise by themselves. • Until now, those once influential bloggers all transfer to other platforms mostly for the sake of living as personal blogs are difficult to become commercial.
Some say that the era of personal blog has gone and some even say that the era of blog has already gone: it is the new Internet world of micro-message and instant message like twitter and Facebook. Well, to be honest, it is better to work on platforms like Weixin official account which has large quantity of potential users. However, there are still some people stick to the high quality standard of information which is blog. From the emergence of personal blog, its essence has never changed. These personal blogs stand for those independent voices in the Internet world. They exist because of the desire of having their own places in the Internet world. • Personal blog, as it is called ‘persona’, has the characteristic of personal and independent. It is a place where the blogger has the absolute control. The bloggers do not need to care about restrictions and the only things these bloggers care is independence. Many once influential bloggers mentioned that one important reason for them to transfer from portal website blogs to personal blogs is that they don’t want to be restricted. • Personal bog stands for the freedom of speech. It is a spirit, a kind of courage and a desire for freedom. Once upon a time, personal bloggers thrived and many bloggers posted their own thought. While these thoughts may meet with strict restrictions on those portal websites, they choose to do with personal website under their absolute control. • Personal blogg, once it has some influence, will compete for the Internet world. Influence, or the speech power is becoming more and more important in this new Internet world. • Personal blogs can help bloggers organize their minds and push them to write. By writing blogs, bloggers will have new questions and find new direction of learning. As the bloggers need to write for almost everyone, they have to write seriously.
As for me, I started my personal website out of a pure curiosity. However, I have to think seriously about the particularity and meaning of my blog. I have to redefine my blog. • Unlike previous personal diary, I have to write seriously for a personal blog. • As I don’t want to make my website a commercial one, I don’t need to care much about other trifling things. What i need to do is to have my own independent voice. • I have to redefine my blog, about what I need to write and what I have to learn more.
By. Zhuofan Tang